Saturday, January 12, 2013

Healthy... Kale Caesar salad, 5*

Healthy eating.  That is the plan for the new year.  Less processed foods, more fresh salads.  This is a kale caesar salad.  I had never tried kale, I thought it was in the same class as grass clippings from the lawn.  Then I tried it.  OMG.  This is one delicious salad.  Kale is so hearty, fresh and clean tasting. It is also very nutrious.  Here is WebMD's take on Kale:

"Kale is a Nutritional Powerhouse

One cup of kale contains 36 calories, 5 grams of fiber, and 15% of the daily requirement of calcium and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), 40% of magnesium, 180% of vitamin A, 200% of vitamin C, and 1,020% of vitamin K. It is also a good source of minerals copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus."

and in my opinion, it tastes amazing.

I adapted a recipe that I found via Pinterest, it originated from

Here is my version.

Kale Caesar Salad, served as a main dish, 2 -3 servings, 4-6 as a side

2 bunches Lacinato kale
2 slices of sprouted wheate bread , cut into 1" cubes
1/2  T olive oil
fresh Parmesan cheese
1/2 t sea salt (for kale)
salt and pepper

Organic Caesar dressing

To make the croutons: heat oven to 400, toss bread cubes with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Spread out on baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes, or until lightly browned and crisp.

Prepare the kale: Pull the leaves off of the stems, and wash with cold water.  Dry kale and then julienne.  Place in a large mixing and sprinkle with sea salt.  Massage the kale between your fingers.  You do not have to be delicate, as the kale can take it.  This helps break down the fibers of the kale, making them easier to chew and digest.  The volume of the kale will be reduced by 1/3 -1/2 when done.

Toss the kale with your caesar dressing.  Let the salad sit for 20-30 minutes, to allow the dressing to further break down the kale. 

When ready to eat, sprinkle with fresh parmasean and croutons. 

My husband said this one was a keeper, so I am giving this recipe 5 stars

Link to the Kale Caesar Salad Recipe

Photo from via Pinterest
Eat well
Be well

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